About Us

Purpose of Creating this Web Page for the school.
We live in an era where child rights and child protection gains immediate attention . Thus the concept of Child Friendly may not be a new concept but it has given much more consideration now. The school was incorporated into the Project of Child Friendly school  in March 2015 again for the second time. The school was selected by the competent authorities from the Government Agent of Ampara and the Divisional Secretary  and on the part of the Education sector the Secretary, the Provincial Director of Education and the Zonal Director of Education.
As result of this selection the European Union has become part of the history of the school from March 2015.The European Union came forward to renovate the primary classrooms through the UNICEF and  the project is being carried out by the Plan International SriLanka..
The inspiration to create a Web Page for the school came from Ms.Catherine the Senior Expert  Evaluate r for European Union when she visited the school and it was happily welcomed by the staff and students., and got the permission from the Zonal Director
Therefore we have uploaded information and photos that are available and much attention was given to events that are related to the Child Friendly concept of the project that is on progress.There fore the information and photos are limited to one year period of time and we would like to have the details and photos of the past principals .